[Announcement] ASEED needs YOU to continue for another 30 years!

ASEED Europe contact at aseed.net
Tue Dec 21 15:22:06 CET 2021

Dear friend,

*A* <https://aseed.net>*SEED <https://aseed.net> has be**en fighting for 
fair and sustainable food systems and against industrial agriculture for 
30 years. To continue, ASEED needs YOUR support. *

*I support ASEED* <https://aseed.net/donate-to-a-seed-2/>

For a small non-profit organisation like us, covering our core costs has 
always been a challenge. We never counted our hours, and most of our 
work is done on a voluntary basis. If you can, please make a donation 
now and spread the word among your friends and contacts. When donating 
to ASEED, you can be sure your money will be well spent: it will go 
directly to actions, materials, office equipment and team members for 
their hard work.

*As the end of the year approaches and many organisations are asking for 
support, please consider helping ASEED. **How? *

    *1. Make a donation now.*

Small or big, every euro counts. You can use *iDeal or SEPA* with this 
link <https://useplink.com/payment/6bakeeRkEov8WH1AyNoGp/>. To make a 
donation by *credit card*, you can also use the Patagonia Action Works 
page, where you can pick the currency of your choice.

I donate via iDeal <https://useplink.com/payment/6bakeeRkEov8WH1AyNoGp/> 
I donate by Credit Card 

Another option is to do a manual bank transfer to the following account:

IBAN: NL47 TRIO 0254 7289 52
Name: Stichting A SEED Europe
Bank: Triodos
To arrange a donation in cash, please contact us at donor at aseed.net 
<mailto: donor at seed.net>. And on our website 
<https://aseed.net/donate-to-a-seed-2/>, you can also pick the option to 
become a monthly donor.

    *2. Forward this email to 5 (or more!) friends, family members or
    contacts with a personal message.* You can help us tremendously by
    spreading this call for donations.

    *3. If you celebrate Christmas, tell your close ones to make a
    donation to ASEED instead of buying presents. *

    *4. Spread the word on social media if you use them.* Find us on
    Instagram (@aseed.europe <https://www.instagram.com/aseed.europe/>),
    Facebook (@aseedeurope <https://www.facebook.com/aseedeurope>) adn
    Twitter (@aseedeurope <https://twitter.com/aseedeurope>).

Thank you for your ongoing support!

Augi, Edu, Gea, Justine, Liz, Nick, Paulina, Rosa and Sonia
The ASEED crew

You have received this message because you are a SEEDmail subscriber. We 
promise we will not spam you. However, if you don't want to receive news 
from ASEED anymore, please reply to this email with the message 
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