[Faf-logistics] Good proposal for an alternative location - Fwd: Re: [Office] Fwd: Re: food autonomy festival

Oscar Oscar at aseed.net
Sat Feb 22 14:37:31 CET 2020

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Re: [Office] Fwd: Re: food autonomy festival
Date: 	Fri, 21 Feb 2020 14:30:05 +0100
From: 	berend at aseed.net
To: 	toby at aseed.net
CC: 	office at lists.aseed.net

Also agree on this and think it's very important to have this as an 
agenda point
Also as Liz said I think that No border camp location is definately a 
nice location for the FAF as well (maybe back up plan as we disssed in 
last meeting), so maybe logistic team can think about this

toby at aseed.net schreef op 2020-02-20 10:43:
> I share this belief too, makes an important agenda point - unsure
> whether whole group or working group decision?
> On 2020-02-19 14:37, zil wrote:
>> Hey hey,
>> So, personally I believe we should start promoting the festival as
>> soon as possible. But it is worth it to start discussing how we plan
>> to deal with the gemente contacting us. And maybe for now we could be
>> a bit more vague about where it will happen and only give the date
>> sand info about the themes for this year, etc.
>> For example the No Border Camp did this last year. They gave a region
>> of the netherlands that it would be in, and it wasn't until the week
>> before that they publicly announced the exact locoation.
>> This kept them from having to deal with any municipality.
>> Also, we could consider having the FAF there as well, just an idea.
>> It's a cool location, and one of the original FAF creators live there
>> now ;P
>> xx, Liz
>> On 2/18/2020 4:00 PM, Livia Rebstock wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> is this something are interested in or is it not smart to annouce it
>>> ahead in terms of legal concerns and perhaps getting too much
>>> attention?
>>> Livia
>>> -------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
>>> Re: food autonomy festival
>>> DATUM:
>>> Tue, 18 Feb 2020 15:46:34 +0100
>>> VON:
>>> Walter van Hulst <wvhulst at xs4all.nl>
>>> AN:
>>> Livia Rebstock <livia at aseed.net>
>>> dear Livia,
>>> Thanks for the quick repons.
>>> Slow Management is about new ways of organizing - bottom-up instead
>>> of top-down. The name is a reference to the Slow Food movement (and
>>> we still have a small/short section about food-related issues).
>>> The coming issue is about the theme Autonomy. So if the festival is
>>> taking place again indeed - I am planning to write a short
>>> announcement about that for the coming issue of Slow Management.
>>> With some background-info about the past three festivals, based on
>>> the info that I've collected online (from the site of Aseed and
>>> other sites).
>>> Can you tell me the exact dates that the festival will take place?
>>> And is it for sure, or is it a plan? And would it take place in
>>> Amsterdam again?
>>> Greetings,
>>> Walter
>>> Op 18-2-2020 om 15:36 schreef Livia Rebstock:
>>>> Dear Walter,
>>>> my name is Livia, I am working with ASEED and just saw your e-mail
>>>> in our info inbox.
>>>> Thank you first of all for contacting us. Indeed, the food
>>>> autonomy festival (FAF) is happening again in the beginning June
>>>> and I could imagine it to be really nice to have you in the team.
>>>> Could you explain me a little bit more about your magazine? What
>>>> is your approach? What are you standing for? What exactly would
>>>> you like to do in connection with the FAF?
>>>> Looking forward to hear from you,
>>>> Livia
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