[Fts-research] Fwd: urgent - feedback for final Yara profile
flip at aseed.net
Wed Aug 21 16:27:44 CEST 2019
Hi Nicole and the rest,
It is becoming a nice text! I have added some comments in the text. See
the cloud -> / FTS-research/Yara/Yara_Final_Draft_nicole-corporatewatch.odt.
In general I would shorten the part about all the CEOs ('Who is in
charge'). Also the shareholder chapter can be shorter. The part
'Following the money' is also getting quite detailed.
In a digital version people can just decide not to read this. If we
print some copies, for example to spread in the camp, I would make this
part shorter.
Maybe even better would be to shorten the parts 'Who is in charge',
'shareholders' and 'Following and move some of those lists with people,
shareholders and countries to an annex. This way you reduce the chance
that people stop reading before they reach the parts about the
vulnerabilities and alternatives.
Hopefully my comments are useful,
greetings, Flip
Op 21-08-19 om 12:59 schreef Nicole Corporate Watch:
> Heya,
> Please find the final draft attached of the Yara profile/investigation
> for the Corporate Watch website.
> You can download it here: https://share.riseup.net/#_xJwMRkJSD_Z9XuDA3d-iw
> There are a couple of questions on the document about the sources and to
> clarify some of the lobbying spend. I wasn't sure who completed this
> original work on this??
> If it's possible to send feedback asap that would be super appreciated.
> We would really like to get it live this week and also I am away next
> week teaching another course so this is my main opportunity.
> Big thanks!
> Nicole
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