[Fts-research] Live Communication

Annie annie at aseed.net
Wed Feb 27 16:16:40 CET 2019

Dear Research Group!

I hope everyone is doing well. The time has crept up on us and it is now
around the time that we decided it would be good to have some sort of
joint communication about what we have all been working on. To be honest
I feel like I have been very busy and have had not so much time to
focus, but I still think it would be good to check in with everyone
else. Do we want to arrange a time next week or the week after to all be
online at the same time and have a group chat / skype?

I have set up a When2meet https://www.when2meet.com/?7602415-Hj5p5 if we
could all fill it in then we can see when the best time would be to
check in.

In solidarity,


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