[Fts-research] Fwd: [freethesoil] Email encryption

Liz liz at aseed.net
Mon Jan 28 17:00:37 CET 2019

Hallo all.

I'm attaching my key here. :)

Cheers, Liz

On 1/28/2019 11:09 AM, Christian wrote:
> Hey y’all,
> my PGP key is attached to this email. Does anyone know how to set up a
> key for the whole mailing list? I honestly have no clue how to do that
> but I think there is a way to do that.
> Christian
>> On 26. Jan 2019, at 19:16, Salt <anotherendoftheworld at protonmail.com
>> <mailto:anotherendoftheworld at protonmail.com>> wrote:
>> Signed PGP part
>> Hi everyone!
>> My public PGP-key should be attached in this mail, so you can add it.
>> Looking forward to continue the work with you all.
>> From the snowy woods,
>> Salt
>> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
>> On Wednesday, January 23, 2019 12:33 PM, Annie <annie at aseed.net
>> <mailto:annie at aseed.net>> wrote:
>>> Email with information about encryption.
>>> Cheers!
>>> Annie
>>> -------- Doorgestuurd bericht --------
>>> Onderwerp:
>>> 	[freethesoil] Email encryption
>>> Datum:
>>> 	Sat, 27 Oct 2018 12:46:43 +0200
>>> Van:
>>> 	siyah.yesil <siyah.yesil at animal-climate-action.org>
>>> <mailto:siyah.yesil at animal-climate-action.org>
>>> Antwoord-naar:
>>> 	siyah.yesil <siyah.yesil at animal-climate-action.org>
>>> <mailto:siyah.yesil at animal-climate-action.org>
>>> Aan:
>>> 	fts list <freethesoil at lists.riseup.net>
>>> <mailto:freethesoil at lists.riseup.net>
>>> Since some working groups will use encrypted emails and/or encrypted
>>> email lists, it is a good idea if everybody tries to learn to encrypt
>>> emails with PGP / GnuPG / GPG.
>>> Here are some useful resources:
>>> A) In order to understand how PGP works, you might want to read the
>>> Wikipedia page in your mother tongue.
>>> B) If you run Linux and use the GNOME desktop environment
>>> (standard for many distributions), you might want to use the mail
>>> program "evolution". In this guide, you can learn how to encrypt with
>>> evolution.
>>> https://riseup.net/en/email/clients/evolution
>>> C) Alternatively, or if you do _not_ run Linux with the GNOME desktop
>>> environment, you might want to use the email program "thunderbird"
>>> together with the "enigmail" plugin. Most people I know use these
>>> programs. You can find instructions here:
>>> https://ssd.eff.org/en/module/how-use-pgp-linux
>>> https://riseup.net/en/security/message-security/openpgp/enigmail
>>> D) It may make sense to use a separate program for the management of
>>> encryption keys, because the already mentioned programs do not offer
>>> all options for key management, or do misbehave in certain situations.
>>> Therefore, you might consider to have a separate program for key
>>> management available. You can find instructions here:
>>> https://riseup.net/en/security/message-security/openpgp/gpg-keys
>>> E) If you are using claws-mail or are considering to use this program,
>>> and have difficulties with encryption, you can write me an email.
>>> F) If you have other questions regarding encyption, you can write me an
>>> email.
>>> Recommendation
>>> -----------------------
>>> if you are using encryption and have an encryption key, it is totally
>>> safe and also makes sense to publish your public key on some key
>>> servers.
>>> Best,
>>> siyah.
>>> --
>>> You find my PGP public key here:
>>> https://pgp.key-server.io/get/siyah.yesil@animal-climate-action.org
>> <publickey - anotherendoftheworld at protonmail.com
>> <mailto:anotherendoftheworld at protonmail.com> - 0x7DE4B924.asc>
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