[Fts-research] Update

Nicole Corporate Watch nicole at corporatewatch.org
Thu Jul 4 18:54:35 CEST 2019


Sorry for the delay. I work part time so everything is always tight! So
I didn't get as far as I'd hoped this week. I only really had today to
work on this because some admin tasks took up more of my time.

Please find a draft attached. The 'yellow' bits are things to complete.
I am going away for a week now to Ireland and then actually teaching a
company investigation course followed by teaching a permaculture course!!

So my time over the next three weeks is sadly very limited :( I think
the remaining sections are the parts that there is already the most
existing information on, so perhaps others can start to complete these
sections? I can also come back to them at the end of July if not too late.

The cool news is that Corporate Watch are happy to pay a graphic
designer we work with to knock it into a report/zine as I won't have time.

I will still have internet access so will try to stay on top of my
emails at least! Anything really urgent maybe email my personal email -
nicole at emptycagesdesign.org

Thanks so much,


On 27/06/2019 13:59, Elizabeth Knight wrote:
> Hey hey!
> I love the idea of translating the lexicon, and also of sending it
> through the free the soil list. Could be nice for us to send it through
> the FFA list as well. If no one is opposed I think it could be nice to
> publish on the ASEED webpage with a link to Free the Soil and the email
> for joining the bus from the Netherlands. Is that okay?
> Cheers! Liz
> On 6/26/2019 5:35 PM, flip wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Cool to get those contributions from Nicole and Belen and/or Pascoe!
>> Op 26-06-19 om 16:20 schreef Annie:
>>> p.s.
>>> I just uploaded loads of articles in all the different sections of the
>>> research folder on the FTS cloud, so maybe you can find some useful
>>> information there!
>> In the FtS research folder there is as well an updated version of the
>> Lexicon. Please have a look and add terms and discriptions if you want.
>> The plan is to have this info available in the languages that are most
>> relevant for the campaign. At the moment this seem to be English,
>> German, Dutch and Danish. So if people feel like translating bits this
>> would be very helpful. If we do some outreach in those different
>> countries it is important that we use the right terms.
>> https://oc-freethesoil.immerda.ch/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/FTS%20-%20research&fileid=314
>> Personally I think that it would be good to send an email about this
>> lexicon and the yara company file to the general FtS list. Those
>> documents are also meant to educate ourselves. And we don't have to wait
>> until the files are completly ready, probably they will always stay work
>> in progress.
>> Any objections against sending an update to the general email list?
>> greetings, Flip
>>> On 2019-06-26 16:04, Annie wrote:
>>>> Hey!
>>>> Ok nice.
>>>> Yes there is some information on the ASEED website, some on the FTS
>>>> cloud in the Alternatives folder. But then also I have some stuff on
>>>> my computer here, maybe I can upload that onto the cloud, or I can try
>>>> to write something and send it over in line with your subheadings.
>>>> Although sounds like you also have some interesting sources to tap
>>>> into.
>>>> Definitely up for giving feedback and contributions once your skeleton
>>>> is up and running.
>>>> Thanks Nicole!
>>>> Annie
>>>> On 2019-06-26 15:49, Nicole Corporate Watch wrote:
>>>>> Hey!
>>>>> Yes I am using the research already undertaken in the company
>>>>> profiling document :) I am happy to do a lot of the work but it would
>>>>> be great to have feedback and contributions once the 'skeleton' is
>>>>> ready.
>>>>> That would be great to have your existing info on alternatives! Is
>>>>> that on the ASEED website? I also have a lot of existing agroecology
>>>>> resources I can use for this too.
>>>>> Thanks for the feedback about the structure, I will integrate that
>>>>> now!
>>>>> That's great about the lobbying stuff already being covered.
>>>>> Big thanks,
>>>>> Nicole
>>>>> On 26/06/2019 13:50, Annie wrote:
>>>>>> Hey Nicole,
>>>>>> Thanks for all this, it is looking great with lots of really
>>>>>> important points to cover. Do you want to divide the work /
>>>>>> subsections up slightly between the people on this list? It looks
>>>>>> like a lot of things to be covered by you, although maybe there are
>>>>>> more people planning to work on it at Corporate Watch? Also some of
>>>>>> the information you can just take from the company file you can find
>>>>>> on the cloud as some of the points are covered in that document. And
>>>>>> also with the alternatives, we have information within ASEED that we
>>>>>> could share with you so that you don't have to do the same work
>>>>>> twice!
>>>>>> My main point about the order of the subsections is that I would
>>>>>> move the "Controversy" section to the bottom or before the
>>>>>> alternatives. Of course it is important to know what kind of
>>>>>> controversies Yara has been involved in and also shows how
>>>>>> despicable these multinational corporations can be, but I think we
>>>>>> need to have the main focus on Yara and it's affect on climate
>>>>>> change, threat to food security, greenwashing etc which you cover
>>>>>> after the point about "Controversy". It feels like the point of the
>>>>>> Free the Soil campaign is to highlight Yara in relation to its
>>>>>> impact on climate change throught the production of synthetic
>>>>>> nitrogen fertilizer and and the fact that no one knows this, so this
>>>>>> should continue to be our focus. However, I do like your idea to
>>>>>> make a map of all these controversies to show visually where Yara is
>>>>>> and where people could potentially do local decentralised actions.
>>>>>> The other thing is now we have had contact with Belen and Pascoe
>>>>>> from Corporate Europe Observatory and they will most probably write
>>>>>> something on EU lobbying so it would be good not to overlap.
>>>>>> Ok, let me know what you think to those comments. And thank you a
>>>>>> lot for the work you have done so far!
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Annie
>>>>>> On 2019-06-26 13:14, Nicole Corporate Watch wrote:
>>>>>> Hey!
>>>>>> Apologies, my research with this Gold Mining campaign has taken
>>>>>> longer
>>>>>> than expected.
>>>>>> I have started to do some Yara research. So far, mapping the
>>>>>> controversies and making a directory that can accompany the article
>>>>>> with all the locations on one page in case of decentralised actions.
>>>>>> I
>>>>>> also did some shareholder research. I need to copy what I am doing
>>>>>> on
>>>>>> crabgrass into the cloud, I keep forgetting!
>>>>>> I have attached an overview of the article I am planning to write.
>>>>>> It
>>>>>> will obviously be significantly larger than one blog post, so we are
>>>>>> hoping to format it into a pdf/report that can be downloaded also.
>>>>>> Can people take a look and give me feedback of what is missing? Is
>>>>>> it
>>>>>> what you were hoping for?
>>>>>> Massive thanks,
>>>>>> Nicole
>>>>>> On 14/06/2019 08:07, Annie wrote:
>>>>>> Hey Research team!
>>>>>> How is everyone?
>>>>>> Is anyone going to make it to the meeting this weekend? I cannot as
>>>>>> I have to work on the farm and no one can cover for me this
>>>>>> weekend!!
>>>>>> I just sent an email to the fts list with a link to the company file
>>>>>> about Yara that I uploaded onto the FTS cloud. This is a piece of
>>>>>> work from Flip, Katie, Jula and I who are based in the Netherlands.
>>>>>> It needs more work but at least I wanted to show that something has
>>>>>> been happening on the research side of things.
>>>>>> Hope it goes well this weekend and hope to see you all soon if not
>>>>>> in September!
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Annie
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