[Fts-research] [freethesoil] Fwd: Re: Fwd: Protest Brunsbüttel

flip flip at aseed.net
Wed Jul 31 21:07:20 CEST 2019

Op 24-07-19 om 09:23 schreef Mont:
> After another check I think that they don't use the urea produced in
> Brunsbüttel for fertilizer, but only for adblue. Cause they say on page
> 6 here that they get most of the fertilizer urea from all over the
> world, but the ammonium nitrate is from regional production sites.
> ammonium nitrate is made out of ammonia, which is produced in Brunsbüttel.
> https://www.yara.de/contentassets/0a436d94564645c0b870320ccee7eaeb/ya_n11-production_vim_de_4-1_bd.pdf/
> Here is what's written on our webpage about the production in
> Brunsbüttel. This sentence doesn't make it very clear, we should clarify
> it. [Educate yourself - last paragraph]

some other recent publications from the lobby organisation Fertilizer
Europe about fertilizer production an use:

Forecast of food, farmingand fertilizer usein the European Union 2018-2028


2018/19 OVERVIEW

I was planning to work this afternoon on the text 'Disprove the
arguments used by the fertilizer industry' (in the FtS cloud in
research/fertilizer-industry/PR-and-lobby-fertilizerindustry/) but
something else came in between. But I will continue soon. Maybe there is
some overlap with Katie's plans, but I will mainly look at the
greenwashing message of Yara and others and try to counter it.

grtz, Flip

> "Their fertilizer production plant in Brunsbüttel in Northern Germany is
> YARA’s second biggest ammonia production plant in Europe and produces
> 0,5 % of the worlds total production."
> Am 24.07.19 um 07:39 schrieb Mont:
>> Oke people it's not bad, we can continue our campaign. :-D
>> Below there is another research from Mina in German.
>> It says similar things to Annie's. In Brunsbüttel they DO NOT produce
>> fertilizer. They produce ammonia and urea, which are used to produce
>> for example YaraVera, a urea fertilizer for agrarian and specialized
>> crops. This is information we already had and that we have in our texts.
>> But: *We all need to be clear what is produced in Brunsbüttel.*
>> Otherwise local press and other people not standing on our side will
>> expose our lack of knowledge.
>> Thank you so much Annie and Mina for researching!
>> Maybe the *@research group* could make a short summarized overview to
>> share it with everyone?
>> All the best from a relieved Mont :-)
>> -------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
>> Betreff: 	...
>> Datum: 	Tue, 23 Jul 2019 21:41:23 +0200
>> Von: 	Outreach FTS <outreach-fts at riseup.net>
>> An: 	Mont <mont at posteo.de>
>> Hey Mont!
>> Ich hab kurz recherchiert, weil mir das auch aufgefallen ist und ich
>> es merkwürdig fand, dass sogar diese Umweltorganisation das sagt.
>> tatsächlich stellt Yara in Brunsbüttel selbst*k**einen*
>> Stickstoffdünger her (nur in Rostock, Tertre und Sluiskil), sie haben
>> aber Anlagen für Ammoniak und Harnstoff (daraus entsteht z.b. der
>> Kunstdünger YaraVera, ein Harnstoffdünger für Ackerbau und
>> Sonderkulturen)
>> Wir müssen uns klar sein, was in Brunsbüttel produziert wird und was
>> nicht.. du hast recht. Arbeit für das Research-Team?
>> Quellen:
>> 1. Pflanzenernährung- Yara Düngemittel
>> https://www.yara.de/pflanzenernaehrung/duengemittel/
>> 2.  Stickstoffdünger-wo kommt der eigentlich her?
>> https://www.yara.de/contentassets/0a436d94564645c0b870320ccee7eaeb/ya_n11-production_vim_de_4-1_bd.pdf/
>> 3. Yara Standorte
>> https://www.yara.de/ueber-yara/yara-deutschland/yara-standorte-deutschland/
>> Liebe Grüße Mina
>> P.S. Soll ich das nochmal in der Gesamtmail über den Verteiler
>> rumschicken? bzw hast du Zeit dafür? :)
>> Am 23.07.2019 um 17:49 schrieb Mont:
>>> I think this is a very important and serious thing.
>>> In this mail someone says that YARA Brunsbüttel only produces Adblue,
>>> which reduces the exhaust emissions of diesel trucks, and that YARA
>>> Brunsbüttel produces NO fertilizer products. The local journalist
>>> from Brunsbüttel told me the same. I responded her that it's not
>>> true, because I trusted our researching.
>>> *Can someone find out if this is true? Where is our information from?*
>>> I feel a bit stuck right now. I just read Danny's mail and I think we
>>> really have to be clear about this!
>>> /Mont
>>> Am 15.07.19 um 17:36 schrieb Free the Soil:
>>>> We got this email. I thought it would be nice to share.
>>>> In solidarity Danny
>>>> -------- Videresendt meddelelse --------
>>>> Subject: 	Protest Brunsbüttel
>>>> Date: 	Thu, 11 Jul 2019 12:02:51 +0200
>>>> From: 	"Klima Brunsbüttel" <brunsbuettel at gmx.de>
>>>> To: 	freethesoil at riseup.net
>>>> Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
>>>> so gerne ich ihre Protestaktion unterstützen würde, muss ich ihnen aber
>>>> leider mitteilen, dass im Werk der Firma Yara in Brunsbüttel lediglich
>>>> Adblue herstellt wird und dieses als Zusatzmittel für Dieselfahrzeuge
>>>> den Schadstoffausstoß von Dieselfahrzeugen senken soll, somit eher
>>>> positiv für die Umwelt ist.
>>>> Ihre Protestaktion bewirkt also eher das Gegenteil von dem, was sie sich
>>>> vornehmen.
>>>> Mit freundlichem Gruß
>>> ---
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>> Mail send to the Free the Soil mail list - An email list to coordinate, discuss and exchange actions and campaigns around Agriculture and climate justice, between different direct action groups and grass root organisations.
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> Mail send to the Free the Soil mail list - An email list to coordinate, discuss and exchange actions and campaigns around Agriculture and climate justice, between different direct action groups and grass root organisations.
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