[Fts-research] Update

Nicole Corporate Watch nicole at corporatewatch.org
Wed Jun 26 13:14:09 CEST 2019


Apologies, my research with this Gold Mining campaign has taken longer
than expected.

I have started to do some Yara research. So far, mapping the
controversies and making a directory that can accompany the article with
all the locations on one page in case of decentralised actions. I also
did some shareholder research. I need to copy what I am doing on
crabgrass into the cloud, I keep forgetting!

I have attached an overview of the article I am planning to write. It
will obviously be significantly larger than one blog post, so we are
hoping to format it into a pdf/report that can be downloaded also.

Can people take a look and give me feedback of what is missing? Is it
what you were hoping for?

Massive thanks,


On 14/06/2019 08:07, Annie wrote:
> Hey Research team!
> How is everyone?
> Is anyone going to make it to the meeting this weekend? I cannot as I
> have to work on the farm and no one can cover for me this weekend!!
> I just sent an email to the fts list with a link to the company file
> about Yara that I uploaded onto the FTS cloud. This is a piece of work
> from Flip, Katie, Jula and I who are based in the Netherlands. It
> needs more work but at least I wanted to show that something has been
> happening on the research side of things.
> Hope it goes well this weekend and hope to see you all soon if not in
> September!
> Cheers,
> Annie
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