[Fts-research] Update
Elizabeth Knight
liz at aseed.net
Thu Jun 27 14:59:55 CEST 2019
Hey hey!
I love the idea of translating the lexicon, and also of sending it
through the free the soil list. Could be nice for us to send it through
the FFA list as well. If no one is opposed I think it could be nice to
publish on the ASEED webpage with a link to Free the Soil and the email
for joining the bus from the Netherlands. Is that okay?
Cheers! Liz
On 6/26/2019 5:35 PM, flip wrote:
> Hi all,
> Cool to get those contributions from Nicole and Belen and/or Pascoe!
> Op 26-06-19 om 16:20 schreef Annie:
>> p.s.
>> I just uploaded loads of articles in all the different sections of the
>> research folder on the FTS cloud, so maybe you can find some useful
>> information there!
> In the FtS research folder there is as well an updated version of the
> Lexicon. Please have a look and add terms and discriptions if you want.
> The plan is to have this info available in the languages that are most
> relevant for the campaign. At the moment this seem to be English,
> German, Dutch and Danish. So if people feel like translating bits this
> would be very helpful. If we do some outreach in those different
> countries it is important that we use the right terms.
> https://oc-freethesoil.immerda.ch/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/FTS%20-%20research&fileid=314
> Personally I think that it would be good to send an email about this
> lexicon and the yara company file to the general FtS list. Those
> documents are also meant to educate ourselves. And we don't have to wait
> until the files are completly ready, probably they will always stay work
> in progress.
> Any objections against sending an update to the general email list?
> greetings, Flip
>> On 2019-06-26 16:04, Annie wrote:
>>> Hey!
>>> Ok nice.
>>> Yes there is some information on the ASEED website, some on the FTS
>>> cloud in the Alternatives folder. But then also I have some stuff on
>>> my computer here, maybe I can upload that onto the cloud, or I can try
>>> to write something and send it over in line with your subheadings.
>>> Although sounds like you also have some interesting sources to tap
>>> into.
>>> Definitely up for giving feedback and contributions once your skeleton
>>> is up and running.
>>> Thanks Nicole!
>>> Annie
>>> On 2019-06-26 15:49, Nicole Corporate Watch wrote:
>>>> Hey!
>>>> Yes I am using the research already undertaken in the company
>>>> profiling document :) I am happy to do a lot of the work but it would
>>>> be great to have feedback and contributions once the 'skeleton' is
>>>> ready.
>>>> That would be great to have your existing info on alternatives! Is
>>>> that on the ASEED website? I also have a lot of existing agroecology
>>>> resources I can use for this too.
>>>> Thanks for the feedback about the structure, I will integrate that
>>>> now!
>>>> That's great about the lobbying stuff already being covered.
>>>> Big thanks,
>>>> Nicole
>>>> On 26/06/2019 13:50, Annie wrote:
>>>>> Hey Nicole,
>>>>> Thanks for all this, it is looking great with lots of really
>>>>> important points to cover. Do you want to divide the work /
>>>>> subsections up slightly between the people on this list? It looks
>>>>> like a lot of things to be covered by you, although maybe there are
>>>>> more people planning to work on it at Corporate Watch? Also some of
>>>>> the information you can just take from the company file you can find
>>>>> on the cloud as some of the points are covered in that document. And
>>>>> also with the alternatives, we have information within ASEED that we
>>>>> could share with you so that you don't have to do the same work
>>>>> twice!
>>>>> My main point about the order of the subsections is that I would
>>>>> move the "Controversy" section to the bottom or before the
>>>>> alternatives. Of course it is important to know what kind of
>>>>> controversies Yara has been involved in and also shows how
>>>>> despicable these multinational corporations can be, but I think we
>>>>> need to have the main focus on Yara and it's affect on climate
>>>>> change, threat to food security, greenwashing etc which you cover
>>>>> after the point about "Controversy". It feels like the point of the
>>>>> Free the Soil campaign is to highlight Yara in relation to its
>>>>> impact on climate change throught the production of synthetic
>>>>> nitrogen fertilizer and and the fact that no one knows this, so this
>>>>> should continue to be our focus. However, I do like your idea to
>>>>> make a map of all these controversies to show visually where Yara is
>>>>> and where people could potentially do local decentralised actions.
>>>>> The other thing is now we have had contact with Belen and Pascoe
>>>>> from Corporate Europe Observatory and they will most probably write
>>>>> something on EU lobbying so it would be good not to overlap.
>>>>> Ok, let me know what you think to those comments. And thank you a
>>>>> lot for the work you have done so far!
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Annie
>>>>> On 2019-06-26 13:14, Nicole Corporate Watch wrote:
>>>>> Hey!
>>>>> Apologies, my research with this Gold Mining campaign has taken
>>>>> longer
>>>>> than expected.
>>>>> I have started to do some Yara research. So far, mapping the
>>>>> controversies and making a directory that can accompany the article
>>>>> with all the locations on one page in case of decentralised actions.
>>>>> I
>>>>> also did some shareholder research. I need to copy what I am doing
>>>>> on
>>>>> crabgrass into the cloud, I keep forgetting!
>>>>> I have attached an overview of the article I am planning to write.
>>>>> It
>>>>> will obviously be significantly larger than one blog post, so we are
>>>>> hoping to format it into a pdf/report that can be downloaded also.
>>>>> Can people take a look and give me feedback of what is missing? Is
>>>>> it
>>>>> what you were hoping for?
>>>>> Massive thanks,
>>>>> Nicole
>>>>> On 14/06/2019 08:07, Annie wrote:
>>>>> Hey Research team!
>>>>> How is everyone?
>>>>> Is anyone going to make it to the meeting this weekend? I cannot as
>>>>> I have to work on the farm and no one can cover for me this
>>>>> weekend!!
>>>>> I just sent an email to the fts list with a link to the company file
>>>>> about Yara that I uploaded onto the FTS cloud. This is a piece of
>>>>> work from Flip, Katie, Jula and I who are based in the Netherlands.
>>>>> It needs more work but at least I wanted to show that something has
>>>>> been happening on the research side of things.
>>>>> Hope it goes well this weekend and hope to see you all soon if not
>>>>> in September!
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Annie
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