[Fts-research] Live Communication

Annie annie at aseed.net
Tue Mar 5 17:00:32 CET 2019

Hello everyone,

So it's looking like the time and date when most people can "meet" is 
next Tuesday or Wednesday at 11am (sorry Katie!) So does anyone have a 
preference over these two days? Or shall we go with Tuesday?

I have been locked out of the the cloud for a second time, it says I 
don't have the correct password, but I have it written infront of me, so 
I'm not sure why it's not letting me log in. So I will send the lexicon 
as it stands so far across this list now. It is in dutch and english at 
the moment! And there is much to be elaborated on...if someone wants to 
upload it to the FTS cloud that would be great, then I think people can 
collectively work on it.

I don't think this list is encrypted, I didn't set it up to be when I 
created it, but I can ask Flip tomorrow who is good with these things :)


On 2019-03-04 15:48, Salt wrote:
> Hi all
> Is it around time to conclude on the meeting tables? I don't have
> strong preferences, but I would propose to pick a date where both Leon
> and Annie are available.
> Salty
> P.S. Annie, can you upload the lexicon or somehow give us access to
> it? I'm curious to see it and possibly contribute to it.
> P.P.S. Does anyone know whether our communications are in fact
> encrypted when we send via the mailinglist? I only see my mail is
> PGP-signed.
> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> On Thursday, February 28, 2019 10:34 AM, david.escudero.king
> <david.escudero.king at protonmail.com> wrote:
>> My availability is pending an interview that has yet to be scheduled 
>> during that week. But discarding that, I am pretty flexible :)
>> David
>> Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
>> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
>> On Wednesday, 27 February 2019 16:16, Annie annie at aseed.net wrote:
>> > Dear Research Group!
>> > I hope everyone is doing well. The time has crept up on us and it is now
>> > around the time that we decided it would be good to have some sort of
>> > joint communication about what we have all been working on. To be honest
>> > I feel like I have been very busy and have had not so much time to
>> > focus, but I still think it would be good to check in with everyone
>> > else. Do we want to arrange a time next week or the week after to all be
>> > online at the same time and have a group chat / skype?
>> > I have set up a When2meet https://www.when2meet.com/?7602415-Hj5p5 if we
>> > could all fill it in then we can see when the best time would be to
>> > check in.
>> > In solidarity,
>> > Annie
>> > Fts-research mailing list
>> > Fts-research at lists.tuxic.nl
>> > https://lists.tuxic.nl/mailman/listinfo/fts-research
>> Fts-research mailing list
>> Fts-research at lists.tuxic.nl
>> https://lists.tuxic.nl/mailman/listinfo/fts-research
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