[Fts-research] Le Monde Diplo: " Nitrogen - the miracle that destroys"

Katie Sandwell c.sandwell at tni.org
Wed Mar 6 11:01:32 CET 2019

Interesting article, just a little late for our "fertilizer" reading
group session! It's introductory/popular but informative and clearly
calling for an end to synthetic fertilizer. It even devotes a little
paragraph to the question of yields:


It is paywalled so I am attaching a pdf as well ;)

It also points to this very interesting sounding (but probably very
dense) report that we might consider for further reading: Mark A Sutton
et al (eds), The European Nitrogen Assessment: Sources, Effects and Policy
Perspectives, Cambridge University Press, 2011

"The scientists who worked on the European assessment believe the
environmental cost of excess nitrogen to the continent is between €70bn
and €320bn a year, in the form of impacts on ecosystems, water and air
quality and human health (6). They believe that this cost outweighs the
economic benefits of synthetic fertilisers, and that excess nitrogen is
a major ecological problem, like global warming and loss of biodiversity."

Le Monde is a pretty mainstream/respected source outside our circles, so
nice to see such a clear call!



Katie Sandwell
Programme Assistant
Transnational Institute

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