[Fts-research] Upcoming weekend

david.escudero.king david.escudero.king at protonmail.com
Thu May 9 14:24:21 CEST 2019

Hey there folks,
Going to upload a couple of articles and some short summaries about the general financial system - agriculture relationship, but I was thinking, is anyone researching stuff regarding Yara's investors or other financial players involved in Yara?
If not, I think this could be a good line to research and I can get on it. Otherwise if someone is already doing it, I can help :)

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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Wednesday, 10 April 2019 15:52, Annie <annie at aseed.net> wrote:

> Hello research group!
> I hope you are all good and enjoying the beginnings of Spring. I will
> not be attending the weekend in Bremen, I have to work on the farm as it
> is super busy right now with getting things into the ground!
> I'm not sure how other people's research is going for the Free the Soil,
> I know from my side that I have been very busy and have not necessarily
> done as much as I would have liked. Softy, from the camp infrastructure
> group, emailed asking for information about alternatives and the current
> situation regarding Yara. It would be good to use this weekend to
> provide other working groups with information they need if we have it
> already.
> Some suggestions for how to use the working group time during the coming
> weekend. I don't think it is necessary to discuss again what topics we
> should be working on etc as we already have these in mind, rather
> perhaps its a good idea for people to bring their laptops and work
> together on the topics they assigned themselves to at the last meeting
> and see if we could get something written up by the end of the weekend?
> We could add readings to the website? Work on the Q and A together as we
> ran out of time for this in the last meeting, could be interesting to do
> this together in a group and research some answers during the weekend?
> We can also add to the Lexicon. If anyone has written up anything would
> be great if they could bring it with them to share.
> I found some interesting readings this week which I will attach in this
> mail. How is it going with people using the cloud? For me sometimes it
> locks me out for a week or so, but then I can get back in again. Does
> this happen with other people, maybe something to bring up over the
> weekend?
> Another thing to be discussed maybe is how do people feel about the use
> of this email list?
> https://www.jacobinmag.com/2019/04/green-new-deal-agriculture-farm-workers?fbclid=IwAR2lcgwyuw2YuG6PHie_XIZU2N7sp4Upf2dLMqZ-yTMIDaxp5fdHx0rWcOE
> Very long article but some interesting points:
> "To pay workers well, to grow a polyculture of crops that can help
> sequester carbon and battle the sixth extinction, to farm without
> chemicals that poison workers, air, and water — all are militated
> against by the arrangements of payments that currently prevail. It’s
> rarely profitable to farm agroecologically when the rules of the game
> reward ecological devastation, worker exploitation, and monoculture.
> Corroborating evidence that the food industry is premised on destruction
> comes from an unlikely source. A 2012 report by KPMG singled out the
> food industry as the most environmentally damaging of any sector, with
> conservatively calculated externalities equaling 224 percent of the food
> industry’s revenues. This is the kind of result that ought to give
> defenders of the current food system pause. If this data is correct —
> and at a conference of donors in 2015 a senior Nestlé executive
> suggested that these ratios accurately reflected the findings of an
> internal audit at his corporation — then there’s only one conclusion:
> there’s no such thing as a sustainable food industry. Either the
> industry is profitable by dint of its externalities, or it stops making
> food and money".
> I also attached the latest document regarding "Organic Farming in the
> EU"
> and also a word document with some links to articles surrounding the
> Yara's corrupt history.
> Ok, think that's all for now. I hope you all have a really great weekend
> in Bremen. Look forward to the next time we see each other!
> Cheers,
> Annie_______________________________________________
> Fts-research mailing list
> Fts-research at lists.tuxic.nl
> https://lists.tuxic.nl/mailman/listinfo/fts-research

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