[Fts-research] final article

Annie annie at aseed.net
Thu Sep 12 09:26:42 CEST 2019

Hey Nicole!

Great work, looks really good on the website! And I like the images to 
go with the text.

Just this line here: the mine would emit an estimated 2,000 to 4,00 
tonnes of contaminants that would flow downhill into the nearby Baie des 
Sept-Îles.  It has a line through it under Mining Impacts - I am 
wondering if it was meant to be taken out for the final edit?

We are also working on the final company file in Amsterdam and will 
print it out for the camp next week, I think some things are similar to 
what you have in your file online, but I don't it is a problem to have 
them overlap. The more information printed out there to share the better 
I think.

See you next week?


On 2019-09-11 11:04, Nicole Corporate Watch wrote:
> Hey,
> I'm so sorry to not email this at the end of last week. I had prison
> visits all weekend and no time on my computer!
> Here is the final profile:
> https://corporatewatch.org/yara-the-fertiliser-giant-causing-climate-catastrophe/
> We will be working with a designer to make it into something easy to
> print! Please share every where you can :) Xxx
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