[Ffa-readinggroup] Fwd: [Ffa-research] next reading group; 28th February at 19:00

Jula jula at aseed.net
Wed Feb 27 15:26:31 CET 2019

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: 	[Ffa-research] next reading group; 28th February at 19:00
Datum: 	Tue, 19 Feb 2019 17:33:06 +0100
Von: 	Eduard <eduard at aseed.net>
An: 	ffa-research at lists.aseed.net

Hey everyone,

next week, on the *Thursday 28th at 19:00 ASEED office*, we'll celebrate 
the second FFA Reading Group with the topic of "Synthetic vs. Organic 
With thereading group nights, we have the objective to continue 
improving and sharing our knowledge having a critical analysis on 
different topics and creating a strong narrative to fight industrial 

There you have the articles for this session:

  * We recommend to start the reading with this short text about “pros
    and cons” of synthetic and organic fertilizers in order to have a
    general overview of the topic. There's also a video of 20 min
    comparing fertilizers that goes a bit more into detail.


  * “The Exxons of Agriculture” is a report from GRAIN with an overview
    of the biggests fertilizers companies, reporting the long-standing
    relationship between these companies and the Climate Smart
    Agriculture Alliance GACSA.


  * The last article we want to suggest is a text from Yara. We would
    like to take a look at the arguments of "the enemy" by talking about
    this description from the Yara website about why synthetic
    fertilizer is allegedly necessary to feed the world and
    "environmentally friendly", and together discussing the flaws in
    this greenwashing argumentation
    If you like you can explore their website further.


If you have time, we also suggest to read this scientific article, a 
meta-analysis about the use of synthetic fertilizers on tea plantations 
and how these alter the soil chemistry and the quality of the tea.


Here you have the facebook event: 

Hope to see you all next Thursday,

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