[Ffa-readinggroup] Fwd: [Ffa-research] next reading group; 28th February at 19:00

Livia Rebstock livia.rebstock at gmail.com
Wed Feb 27 19:10:30 CET 2019

enjoy the reading group, i won't be able to join, but I watched the video
as procrastination instead of working on my thesis ... hihi. I liked it!
see you all soon,

Am Mi., 27. Feb. 2019 um 15:31 Uhr schrieb Jula <jula at aseed.net>:

> -------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
> Betreff: [Ffa-research] next reading group; 28th February at 19:00
> Datum: Tue, 19 Feb 2019 17:33:06 +0100
> Von: Eduard <eduard at aseed.net> <eduard at aseed.net>
> An: ffa-research at lists.aseed.net
> Hey everyone,
> next week, on the *Thursday 28th at 19:00 ASEED office*, we'll celebrate
> the second FFA Reading Group with the topic of "Synthetic vs. Organic
> Fertilizers".
> With thereading group nights, we have the objective to continue improving
> and sharing our knowledge having a critical analysis on different topics
> and creating a strong narrative to fight industrial agriculture.
> There you have the articles for this session:
>    -          We recommend to start the reading with this short text
>    about “pros and cons” of synthetic and organic fertilizers in order to have
>    a general overview of the topic. There's also a video of 20 min comparing
>    fertilizers that goes a bit more into detail.
> https://www.todayshomeowner.com/debate-over-organic-chemical-fertilizers/
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41E57ZxHt5k&t=758s
>    - “The Exxons of Agriculture” is a report from GRAIN with an overview
>    of the biggests fertilizers companies, reporting the long-standing
>    relationship between these companies and the Climate Smart Agriculture
>    Alliance GACSA.
> https://www.grain.org/article/entries/5270-the-exxons-of-agriculture
>    - The last article we want to suggest is a text from Yara. We would
>    like to take a look at the arguments of "the enemy" by talking about this
>    description from the Yara website about why synthetic fertilizer is
>    allegedly necessary to feed the world and "environmentally friendly", and
>    together discussing the flaws in this greenwashing argumentation
>    If you like you can explore their website further.
> https://www.yara.com/crop-nutrition/why-fertilizer/environment/
> If you have time, we also suggest to read this scientific article, a
> meta-analysis about the use of synthetic fertilizers on tea plantations and
> how these alter the soil chemistry and the quality of the tea.
> https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13593-017-0485-z
> Here you have the facebook event:
> https://www.facebook.com/events/449317628937851/
> Hope to see you all next Thursday,
> Edu
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